April 23, 2018


There is nothing more exciting and or terrifying then finishing college and jumping into the real world. Jordan is graduating UNLV here in Las Vegas this year.  As a life milestone the jump to full adulthood is one of the biggest leaps of unknown we ever make in life.   The amount of growth in career and really all facets of Jordan’s life that will happen in next few years will be nothing short of incredible. Abilities will be discovered,challenges overcome, love and possibly heartache. The biggest discoveries what will they be? Its so very different for all of us and yet something we all go through that we understand.
What we would all do to go back there, to that time where jumping in any direction just seemed easier than it would be to now.  Is it ever easy to jump though? What advice would we tell ourselves if we had the ability to? I hope when Jordan looks at these images today or years from now that she sees her true self. A young, incredibly intelligent woman, who knows herself, what she wants, is beyond thoughtful (might get this from her mother), and sees the strikingly beautiful woman that she is.

Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,
Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,
Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,
Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,
Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,
Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,
Las Vegas Senior Portraits,Lucinda Flint Photography,Senior portraits 2018,

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